SystemAction: TSM terminates the current operation.
User Response: None.
ANS9287I Out of free space or inodes in file system file-system to migrate orrecall.
Explanation: The file system is full. No more free space or free inodes can be
allocated for the transaction file that is required for migration or recall.
SystemAction: TSM terminates the current operation for this file system.
User Response: Removesome files from the file system, and then run
reconciliation. Retry the operation.
ANS9288I File file-name of size file-size is too small to qualify for migration.
Explanation: The file is smaller than the minimum size required for migration.A
file is considered for migration only if its size is greater than both the stub file size
specified for the file system plus 1 byte and the block size defined for the file
SystemAction: TSM does not migrate this file because it will not free additional
User Response: None.
ANS9289I Object ’dir-name’ is a directory.It is skipped for migration.
Explanation: The object is a directory.It is not migrated. Space management does
not migrate directories.
SystemAction: TSM does not migrate this object because it is a directory.
User Response: None.
ANS9290I File file-name of type file-type is skipped for migration.
Explanation: The file either cannot be read, is not a regular file, or its type is
unknown to space management. Space management only migrates regular files and
does not migrate directories.
SystemAction: TSM does not migrate this file.
User Response: None.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
15. Tivoli Space Manager