User Response: Free up extra storage for the operation to continue, or run the
backup or archive process without compression enabled.
ANS1226E Destination file or directory is write locked
Explanation: The file or directory being restored or retrieved from the server
cannot be written to because the destination is write locked.Another operation
might have the file open and will not allow it to be updated.
SystemAction: File skipped.
User Response: Either determine which operation has the file write locked, or
restore the file to another name or location.
ANS1227E Processing stopped; Disk full condition
Explanation: No more files can be restored or retrieved because the destination
disk is full.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Free up disk space, or restore or retrieve the file to another disk.
ANS1228E Sending of object ’object-nameobject-nameobject-name’ failed
Explanation: The specified file (object-name) cannot be sent to the server.
SystemAction: File skipped.
User Response: Retry the operation. If the problem continues, see your system
administrator to isolate the problem through use of the server console.
ANS1231E No file handles available
Explanation: All file handles for your system are currently in use. No more are
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Either free some file handles by ending other processes, or modify
your system setup to allow for more files to be open at the same time.
ANS1232E File exists
Explanation: The file being restored or retrieved exists.
SystemAction: File is replaced or skipped depending on client options.
User Response: None.
ANS1233E Invalid file handle passed; System Error.
Explanation: An internal system error occurred.A file operation failed because an
invalid file handle was passed.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Report the problem to your system administrator, and then retry
the operation.
Version 3 Release 7