ANS1193E Specifying the trace file ’link’ as a symbolic link is not allowed.
Explanation: Trace file ’linkname’ cannot be a symbolic link.
SystemAction: The symbolic link ’linkname’ is deleted, the trace file is recreated,
and processing stops.
User Response: Specifythe trace file location with the ’tracefile’ option.
ANS1194E Specifying the schedule log ’link’ as a symbolic link is not allowed.
Explanation: Schedule log ’linkname’ cannot be a symbolic link.
SystemAction: The symbolic link ’linkname’ is deleted, the schedule log is
recreated, and processing stops.
User Response: Checkthe location of the new schedule log. To specify the
location of the schedule log, refer to the user’s manual for the ’schedlogname’
ANS1216E Not authorized to run TSM. See the administrator for yoursystem.
Explanation: The system options file for the server that you are attempting to
connect to contains a user entry,a group entry, or both a user and group entry. Your
user ID, or group ID, was not found in any of the entries. Youare currently not
authorized to run TSM to this server.
SystemAction: TSM initialization fails and the program ends.
User Response: Seethe TSM administrator for your system, and ask to be added
to the user or group list for this server.
ANS1217E Server name not found in System Options File
Explanation: The system options file does not contain the SERVERNAMEoption.
SystemAction: TSM initialization fails and the program ends.
User Response: Seethe TSM administrator for your system, and make sure that
the system options file contains the server name.
ANS1218E TCPSERVERADDRESS not defined for this serverin the System Options File
Explanation: The TCPSERVERADDRESSfor this server is not defined in the
server name stanza in the system options file.
SystemAction: TSM initialization fails and the program ends.
User Response: Seethe TSM administrator for your system, and make sure that
the server to which you are trying to connect, has a valid TCPSERVERADDRESS
defined in the system options file.
ANS1219E NODENAME cannot be the same as HostName
Explanation: The NODENAME defined in the options file cannot be the same as
the system HostName.
SystemAction: Initialization fails and the program ends.
User Response: Seeyour system administrator or the root user.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
7. Client Common