ANR8274W (AIX)IPX/SPX driver is terminating due to error in creating a new thread.
Explanation: The server cannot initialize due to the inability to create a new
thread of execution.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but IPX/SPX communications are not
User Response: Themost likely cause is a lack of memory. Ensure that sufficient
paging space is available forAIX. You may also use SMIT to determine if the
number of applications is causing a memory shortage. Youmay also decrease the
maximum number of sessions that the server can accept with the MAXSESSIONS
option in the server options file.
ANR8274E (AS/400)
Command:exit type EXIT exit name could not be located.
Explanation: The *PGM object with the specified exit name cannot be located on
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Reissuethe command and specify a different exit name, or create
the exit program before reissuing the command.
ANR8274W (Windows NT)
Shared memory communications driver is terminating due to errorin creating
a new thread.
Explanation: The server cannot initialize due to the inability to create a new
thread of execution.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but shared memory communications is
User Response: Themost likely cause is a lack of memory. Ensure that there is
sufficient space for the WindowsNT paging file. Click on the system icon in the
Windows NTcontrol panel and then click on the virtual memory button. Refer to
the on-line help for instructions on how to increase the amount of virtual memory.
Version 3 Release 7