ANR8348E Command: Volumevolume is not ″Idle″.
Explanation: ADISMOUNT VOLUME command has been issued, but the
volume is still in use and cannot be dismounted.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Ifit is necessary to dismount the volume, cancel the session or
process that is using the volume, and reissue the command.
ANR8348E (AS/400)
Command: Volumevolume is not ″Idle″.
Explanation: ADISMOUNT VOLUME command has been issued, but the
volume is in use and cannot be dismounted.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Ifit is necessary to dismount the volume, cancel the session or
process that is using the volume, and reissue the DISMOUNT VOLUME command.
ANR8349E Command: Device device not found.
Explanation: ADISMOUNT DEVICE command has been issued, but the device
to be dismounted cannot be found.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Ensurethat the correct device has been specified.
ANR8349E (AS/400)
Command: Cannot reply to request requestnumber.
Explanation: The state of the request, whose number is specified by the given
command, does not permit the use of the REPLYcommand.
SystemAction: The REPLYcommand is not processed.
User Response: TheREPLYcommand is invalid for the current state of the
specified request. The outstanding request must be satisfied by using your
installation’s procedures.
ANR8350E Command: Device device is not ″Idle″.
Explanation: ADISMOUNT DEVICE command has been issued, but the device
is still in use and cannot be dismounted.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
Version 3 Release 7