SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Correctthe command and retry the operation.
ANS1937E No NTDS server name specified for the BACKUPNTDS command.
Explanation: No NTDS server name was specified for the BACKUP NTDS
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: SpecifyNTDS server name at the command and retry the
ANS1938E NTActive Directory is not supported in this OS level.
Explanation: NTActive Directory is not supported in this OS level.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: InstallActive Directory before performing backup operation.
ANS1939E File Replication Service backup failed.
Explanation: Tivoli Storage Manager encountered an error while backing up files
under control of the Windows2000 File Replication Service
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Examinethe Windows 2000 File Replication Service Event log to
insure the File Replication Service is operating properly.Restart the service and
retry the backup operation.
ANS1940E File Replication Service restore failed.
Explanation: Tivoli Storage Manager encountered an error while restoring files
under control of the Windows2000 File Replication Service
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Examinethe Windows 2000 File Replication Service Event log to
insure the File Replication Service is operating properly.Restart the service and
retry the restore operation.
ANS1941E System Volumebackup failed.
Explanation: Tivoli Storage Manager encountered an error while backing up files
of the Windows2000 System Volume
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Examinethe Windows 2000 File Replication Service Event log to
insure the system volume was successfully initialized. Restart the service and retry
the backup operation
ANS1942E System Volumerestore failed.
Explanation: Tivoli Storage Manager encountered an error while restoring files
under control of the Windows2000 File Replication Service
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
8. Command–Line Client