User Response: As the cleaner is used, monitor the number of cleanings that
remain with the QUERYLIBVOL command. Remove the cleaner when all
cleanings are exhausted.A new cleaner may be checked in so that the library is not
left without a useful cleaner when the old cleaner is exhausted.
ANR8919I Initalization and recovery has started for shared librarylibrary name.
Explanation: The shared library has started to initialize or recover to
resynchronize the library manager and library client.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: This process should synchronize all of the drives that are
currently being used by this library client. This process might also start after a
communication error or if the library client has not been able to verify drive status
with the library manager.
ANR8920I Initalization and recovery has ended for shared librarylibrary name.
Explanation: Initialize or recover has ended the library manager and library client
should be synchronized.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: The drives previously owned by the library client should now
indicate they are free on the library manager.Verify this with the QUERY DRIVE
command on the library manager.If ownership of the drives is still in question
restart the library client and library manager.
ANR8921E Unableto start library polling thread .
Explanation: Library sharing requires that this polling thread starts. This thread
keeps the library manager and library client synchronize with regards to drive
ownership. These thread are started when the library is defined or when the server is
first initalized.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: Since the polling thread did not start, the user must restart the
server in order for library sharing to correctly work. Failure to restart the server and
get these polling services running can cause unusual results for library clients.
ANR8922I Adevice class for library library name was not found.
Explanation: Alibrary client request a mount operation to be performed by the
library manager.The library manager is missing a device class definition for that
SystemAction: None.
Version 3 Release 7