ANS8008W Redirection inside macro whose output is redirectedis ignored.
Explanation: An output redirection symbol has been encountered inside a macro.
However, the output of the macro itself (or a higher level macro) is already being
SystemAction: The redirection request is ignored.
User Response: None.
ANS8009E Exiting due to command or option errors.
Explanation: Because of errors in command line or option file parameters
displayed earlier, the administrative client session is ending.
SystemAction: The client exits.
User Response: Fixthe option file parameter in error and restart the client, or
restart the client with proper command line parameters.
ANS8010E File ’file spec’ not found.
Explanation: The client options file cannot be found, either in the current
directory or in the directory specified by the DSM_DIR environment variable.
SystemAction: The client cannot process the options file.
User Response: Locatethe client options file, or create the file if one does not
ANS8011E File ’file spec’, line line number, value ’keyword’ is not a valid keyword.
Explanation: The client encounters an incorrect keyword in the client options file.
SystemAction: The keyword is ignored.
User Response: Correctthe keyword in the client options file and restart the
administrative client.
ANS8012E Option processing storage exhausted.
Explanation: During processing of the client options file, the client runs out of
SystemAction: The client session is ended.
User Response: Makemore memory available and restart the administrative client.
ANS8013E File ’filespec’, line line number, value ’pattern’ is too complex a pattern.
Explanation: The include or exclude pattern issued is too complex to be
accurately interpreted by the client.
SystemAction: The include/exclude statement is ignored.
User Response: Correctthe syntax for the pattern.
Version 3 Release 7