ANR4500I Writing sequential volume history information to defined files.
Explanation: The server is updating all sequential volume history files defined in
the server options file with information on sequential volume usage information.
The files updated are those specified with the VOLUMEHISTORYoption in the
server options file.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR4501I Sequential volume history information successfully written to file name.
Explanation: The server is updating all sequential volume history files defined in
the server options file with information on sequential volume usage information.
Volumehistory information was successfully written to the file specified.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR4502W No files have been defined for automatically storing sequential volume history
Explanation: The server is attempting to update all sequential volume history files
defined in the server options file with information on sequential volume usage
information. Because no files were configured for receiving this information, the
automatic operation fails.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: To have the server automatically record sequential volume history
information to assist in server recovery,use the VOLUMEHISTORY option in the
server options file to specify where history information should be written. If you
update the options file, restart the server.
ANR4510E Servercould not write sequential volume history information to volume history
file name.
Explanation: While attempting to write sequential volume history information to
defined history files, the server could not write to the file name specified.
SystemAction: The server does not write volume history information to the file
User Response: Examineerror messages that may have been displayed prior to
this message and correct any problems, if possible. Make sure that the server has
proper authority to write to the file indicated and that there is sufficient space in the
file system for the file. On MVS, make sure that the data set has been allocated and
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages