ANR6756E Machine machine name characteristics not defined to the server.
Explanation: ADELETE MACHINE command cannot delete the requested
characteristics from the server.The characteristics for the specified machine are not
defined to the server.
SystemAction: The server operation continues, but the command has no effect.
User Response: Issuethe command again and specify a machine that has
characteristics defined to the server.
ANR6757E Machine machine name recovery instructions not defined to the server.
Explanation: ADELETE MACHINE command cannot delete the requested
recovery instructions from the server.The recovery instructions for the specified
machine are not defined to the server.
SystemAction: The server operation continues, but the command has no effect.
User Response: Issuethe command again and specify a machine that has recovery
instructions defined to the server.
ANR6758E Command: Only one character string can be specified.
Explanation: The INSERTcommand is invalid. Either a characteristics string can
be specified or a recovery instructions string can be specified on the command.
Both types of strings cannot be specified on the command at the same time.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Issuethe command again and specify one valid character string.
ANR6759E Disaster recovery manager operation command being processed is denied -
disaster recovery manager support is not available forserver platform platform.
Explanation: The server refuses a disaster recovery manager operation because
disaster recovery manager support is not available for the indicated server platform.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR6760E Command: Executable command line exceeds maximum length characters for
volume volume name.
Explanation: While writing to a command file, one of the following conditions
Version 3 Release 7