ACO0604E Could not determine theADSM database agent source path.
Explanation: An attempt was made to read the registry to determine where the
agent was installed.
SystemAction: Processing continues getting the information that it needs from the
current directory.
User Response: Thereare two choices: either cancel the request if the correct files
are not in the current directory,or allow the request to complete and take action as
to whether the correct results were obtained. This error may indicate that you are
not running with the required permissions. Make sure you are running with local
administrator permission. This may also indicate that the agent was not installed
properly and may require a reinstall.
ACO0609E ATCP/IP address is required.
Explanation: The chosen protocol was TCP/IP.However, there was not a TCP/IP
address entered.
SystemAction: The Options File Editor will be redisplayed.
User Response: Pressthe Settings button on the Options File Editor to enter the
TCP/IP address. Or,you may choose to cancel from the editor.
ACO0610E ATCP/IP port number is required.
Explanation: The chosen protocol was TCP/IP.However, there was not a TCP/IP
port value entered.
SystemAction: The Options File Editor will be redisplayed.
User Response: Pressthe Settings button on the Options File Editor to enter the
TCP/IP port value. Or,you may choose to cancel from the editor.
ACO0611E TCP/IPport value must be between 1000 and 32767.
Explanation: The chosen protocol was TCP/IP.The value entered for the TCP/IP
port is not valid.
SystemAction: The Options File Editor will be redisplayed.
User Response: Pressthe Settings button on the Options File Editor to enter the
TCP/IP port value between 1000 and 32767. Or,you may choose to cancel from the
ACO0612E Error obtaining message from resourcedll.
Explanation: An attempt was made to get a message from the message DLL. This
attempt failed.
SystemAction: This message is displayed in the protocol box.
User Response: Theagent should be reinstalled. This will include the correct
version of the message DLL.
Version 3 Release 7