ANR8830E Internal Device type drive diagnostics detect excessive media failures for volume
Volumename (MIM MIM Code). Access mode is now set to read-only.
Explanation: The tape drive’s microcode performed an analysis of the media
during the prior mount of the volume and determined that the number of temporary
errors and other indicators exceed the threshold for reliable data recording.
SystemAction: The volume is made read-only.
User Response: Checksystem error logs for entries made by the device relative to
media errors. It is recommended to move the data off the volume in order to
minimize the impact of future errors and further damage to the media.
ANR8831W Because of media errors for volume Volumename, data should be removed as
soon as possible.
Explanation: Errors previously encountered on the volume leave the access to the
data in a questionable state. The errors may be permanent temporary media failures
such as the corruption of the VolumeControl Region of a Magstar drive.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: Movethe data off the volume. This can be done with the MOVE
DATAcommand. In some cases the tape is reusable by returning it to scratch.
Check system error logs for entries made by the device relative to media errors. If
the errors cannot be isolated ore resolved, contact your support representative.
Return the tape to scratch or dispose of it.
ANR8832E CHECKIN LIBVOLUME for volumes in searchmode in library library name
Explanation: The background process for a CHECKIN LIBVOLUME command
has failed.
SystemAction: The background process ends, but volumes have not been checked
into the library.
User Response: Makesure the library and drive devices associated with this
command are powered on and ready,and then reissue the command.
ANR8833E Command: Volumevolume name in library library name is currently being
checked in or checked out.
Explanation: The command cannot be processed because the specified volume is
being checked in or checked out of the library.
SystemAction: The command is not processed.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages