ANR8778W Scratch volume volume name changed to Private Status to prevent re-access.
Explanation: The scratch volume encountered an error during mount processing
that makes it unusable. The status of the volume is changed to private so that it is
not selected for future scratch mounts. (Although the status has become private, it is
not defined to a storage pool.)
SystemAction: Processing continues with another scratch volume.
User Response: Seeprevious error messages to determine the cause of the mount
failure, and correct the problem. If the problem is a mislabeled volume or
unreadable label, relabel the scratch volume using the dsmlabel utility with the
-overwriteoption. If the volume is missing from its home slot, issue theAUDIT
LIBRARYcommand against the library. If the volume has lost or corrupted
VCR-data, relabel the volume. (This reinitializes the VCR-data by writing to the
volume from beginning-of-tape.) Once the problem is corrected, update the status of
the volume to scratch by using the UPDATELIBVOL command.
ANR8779E Unable to open drive drive name, error number=errno value from open system
Explanation: The drive cannot be opened by the server.In AIX, error number is
the value of errno returned by the operating system. In OS/2, it is the value of the
return code from the call to DosOpen.
SystemAction: The transaction needing the drive fails.
User Response: Usethe error number in conjunction with operating system
documentation to narrow the scope of the cause. Inspect the drive. Ensure the drive
is powered on and ready,the cables are properly connected and terminated, and that
the device is properly configured to the operating system.
ANR8780E Volumein drive drive name has no label.
Explanation: The volume in the indicated drive does not have a label. The server
requires that all media be uniquely labelled.
SystemAction: The volume is rejected and the server prompts for a new volume.
User Response: Usethe appropriate labelling utility to label the media. In OS/2
and WindowsNT, the LABEL command is used to label removable disk cartridges,
diskettes and other media which appear as drive letters.
ANR8781E Volumein drive drive name has invalid label label.
Explanation: The volume in the indicated drive has the label shown. The name
does not conform with server requirements. The server requires that all media be
uniquely labelled and, for removable media, that the label with file naming
Version 3 Release 7