ANR7813W (Solaris)
Unable to create a new child thread.
Explanation: The server cannot create a new child thread.
SystemAction: Server processing continues. Other error messages from the server
component are displayed.
User Response: Ensurethat sufficient swap space is available for Solaris. The
amount of swap available can be obtain by executing ’swap -l’. If the number of
free blocks is low,you can add swap files while the system is running by executing
’mkfile’ and then ’swap -a’. See the Solaris man pages on ’mkfile’ and ’swap’ for
more details. If the server has been started from a non-root user ID, ensure that the
Solaris process limit per user is sufficient for the server.You can tune the
’maxusers=##’ parameter in the /etc/system file to increase the number of number of
users that can be on the system at one time. This will also force the kernel to
allocate more memory/swap for user-processes.A system reboot with the
’reconfigure’ option is required for the new user settings to take effect. It may be
necessary to decrease the maximum number of client sessions by changing the
MAXSESSIONS option in the server options file.
ANR7814E (AS/400)
User exit exit name encountered an error.Exit is disabled.
Explanation: An error occurred when invoking the user exit.
SystemAction: The user exit is disabled.
User Response: Ensurethat the program being invoked is correct. When the
problem has been correct, END EVENTLOGGING USEREXIT and then BEGIN
EVENTLOGGING USEREXIT to restart event logging to the user exit.
ANR7815E (AS/400)
Unable to find user exit exit name.
Explanation: An error occurred when trying to resolve to the specified user exit.
SystemAction: The user exit is disabled.
User Response: Ensurethat the program being invoked is correct. When the
problem has been correct, END EVENTLOGGING USEREXIT and then BEGIN
EVENTLOGGING USEREXIT to restart event logging to the user exit.
ANR7816E (AS/400)
ADSM server does not have the authority to invoke exit exit name.
Explanation: An error occurred when trying to resolve to the specified user exit.
SystemAction: The user exit is disabled.
Version 3 Release 7