ANR8268W (Windows NT)
Named Pipe communications were not enabled due to an error looking up the
following NT group name: NTgroup name. Use the NT User manager to add
the specified group. Members of the group will then use NT unified logon to
access the server over Named pipes.
Explanation: The server experiences an error return code when trying to initialize
the indicated Named Pipe for Named Pipes communication with a client. The
system could not find the NTAccount name specified in the server options file.
SystemAction: The session is ended. Server operation continues. Named Pipes
communications is inoperative.
User Response: To use NT unified logon specify the name of a valid Windows
NT account or group name. Restart the server to reenable Named Pipes
ANR8269I (AS/400)
Request number:exit type EXIT returned device device name.
Explanation: The specified exit program provides the indicated device name to the
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR8269W (Windows NT)
Error opening Named Pipe Named Pipes name, reason:System message.
Explanation: The server experiences an error return code when trying to open the
indicated Named Pipe name for Named Pipes communication with a client. The
reason shown is returned by the WindowsNT FormatMessage API.
SystemAction: The session is ended. Server operation continues. Named Pipes
communications is inoperative.
User Response: Considerthe reason text and take appropriate action. Stop and
restart the server to reenable Named Pipes communications.
ANR8270I (AIX) IPX/SPX driver ready for connection with clients on socketIPX socket number.
Explanation: The server is now able to accept sessions with clients using the
IPX/SPX protocol on the indicated socket number.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages