User Response: Define a device class for the library using the DEFINE
DEVCLASS command.
ANR8923I Dismount failed because drive drive name in library library name is not
currently owned by drive owner name.
Explanation: Alibrary client attempted to dismount on a drive that was not
currently owned by the library client.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR9579W (HP-UX)
command: Unable to locate file file name.
Explanation: The specified file cannot be found. Note: PREPAREassumes that
the volume formatting program (dsmfmt) is located in the same directory as the
server executable file.
SystemAction: PREPARE uses the following default file names in the plan file:
¶For the server executable the default is /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv.
¶For the volume formatting program the default is
User Response: Determine why file does not exist; create if necessary.
ANR9579W (Solaris)
command: Unable to locate file file name.
Explanation: The specified file cannot be found. Note: PREPAREassumes that
the volume formatting program (dsmfmt) is located in the same directory as the
server executable file.
SystemAction: PREPARE uses the following default file names in the plan file:
¶For the server executable the default is /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv.
¶For the volume formatting program the default is
User Response: Determine why file does not exist; create if necessary.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages