ANR2633E Command: Invalid end date - date.
Explanation: The specified command has been issued with an invalid end date.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but the command is not processed.
User Response: Issuethe command with a valid end date.
ANR2634E Command: Invalid end time - time.
Explanation: The specified command has been issued with an invalid end time.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but the command is not processed.
User Response: Issuethe command with a valid end time.
ANR2635E Command: Invalid time range - Begin: begin End: end.
Explanation: The specified command has been issued with an invalid time range.
This occurs if the date and time for the beginning of the time range (begin)donot
precede the date and time for the end of the time range (end).
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but the command is not processed.
User Response: Issuethe command with a valid time range.
ANR2636E Command: Invalid value for exceptions only - exceptions only.
Explanation: The specified command has been issued with an invalid value for
exceptions only.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but the command is not processed.
User Response: Issuethe command with a valid value for exceptions only.
ANR2640E Command: Invalid percentage of sessions for scheduled processing -value.
Explanation: The specified command has been issued with an invalid value.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but the command is not processed.
User Response: Issuethe command with a valid value.
ANR2641E Command: Invalid event record retention period - value.
Explanation: The specified command has been issued with an invalid value.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but the command is not processed.
User Response: Issuethe command with a valid value.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages