resolve the error, retry the export or import operation. If you cannot find the error,
contact your service representative for assistance in resolving the problem.
ANR0795E Command: Error encountered in accessing data storage - invalid volume name
Explanation: The server encounters an error in accessing data storage while
processing command command. The error occurred because an attempt has been
made to access a volume with an invalid name.
SystemAction: The command command operation is ended and server operation
User Response: Issuethe command with a valid volume name.
ANR0796E Command: Error encountered in accessing data storage - insufficient numberof
mount points available for removable media.
Explanation: During command command processing, the server cannot allocate
sufficient mount points.
SystemAction: The command command operation is ended and server operation
User Response: Ifnecessary, make more mount points available.
ANR0797E Command: Error encountered in accessing data storage - requiredvolume was
not mounted.
Explanation: During command command processing, a required volume cannot be
mounted. The mount request may have been canceled.
SystemAction: The command command operation is ended and server operation
User Response: Issuethe command again and make sure the necessary volumes
are accessible.
ANR0798E Import command: Error encounteredin accessing data storage - volume cannot
be used.
Explanation: During import processing, a volume has been mounted but cannot be
SystemAction: The import operation is ended and server operation continues.
User Response: Querythe activity log for messages preceding this one that give
additional information. Make sure a usable volume is specified and mounted.
Version 3 Release 7