ANR1256W Volumevolume name contains files that could not be restored.
Explanation: During processing of a RESTORE STGPOOLor RESTORE
VOLUME command, the server determines that the indicated volume contains one
or more files that could not be restored. If this is a preview operation, this message
indicates that a restorable backup copy cannot be found for one or more files on the
indicated volume. If this is an actual restore operation, this message could result if
any of the following conditions exist for a file on the indicated volume:
Arestorable backup copy cannot be found for the file.
Arestorable backup copy of the file exists, but is located on a copy storage
pool volume whose access mode is unavailable or offsite.
During restore processing, a backup copy was selected for restore processing,
but was deleted or moved before the file was actually restored. This action
could occur as a result of MOVE DATA,DELETE VOLUME, AUDIT
VOLUME FIX=YES, or reclamation processing of a copy storage pool volume
while the restore was in progress.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: Ifthis was an actual restore operation, check for messages
indicating that files could not be restored because a copy storage pool volume was
unavailable or offsite. Check to see if a move data, delete volume, audit volume, or
reclamation process occurred for a copy storage pool while the restore was in
progress. If either of these conditions existed, correct the situation and reissue the
restore command.
ANR1257W Storage pool backup skipping damaged file on volume volume name: Node node
name, Typefile type, File space filespace name, File name file name.
Explanation: During storage pool backup, a file is encountered that was
previously found to be damaged. If this file is part of an aggregate, the entire
aggregate was previously marked damaged, possibly because an integrity error was
detected for some other file within the aggregate.
SystemAction: The damaged file will not be backed up.
User Response: Auditthe indicated volume with FIX=NO to verify that the file is
damaged. The audit will reset the file status if the file is found to be undamaged
during the audit. If the file is part of an aggregate, the audit will reset the aggregate
status if the entire aggregate is found to be undamaged. If this file has previously
been backed up to a copy storage pool, you can also attempt to restore damaged
files using the RESTORE STGPOOLcommand.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages