ANR2271I Recovery log reduction process initiated (process IDprocess ID).
Explanation: In response to a REDUCE LOG command, the process with the
process ID shown has been started to reduce the recovery log.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR2272W Recovery log volume copy volume name is larger than volume volume name by
count megabytes.
Explanation: ADEFINE LOGCOPY command has defined a recovery log copy
volume whose size is larger than the volume it mirrors by the amount shown.
SystemAction: The excess capacity is ignored.
User Response: None.
ANR2273W The recovery log volume copy to be defined (volume name) is larger than
volume volume name; use of the volume will result in count megabytes of
unusable space.
Explanation: ADEFINE LOGCOPY command is attempting to define a recovery
log copy volume whose size is larger than the volume it mirrors by the amount
shown. The excess capacity would not be used.
SystemAction: The administrator is asked whether to continue.
User Response: Enter'Y' to define the copy or 'N' to stop the process.
ANR2274I Data Base Space trigger defined and enabled.
Explanation: The data base space trigger has been defined with a DEFINE
SPACETRIGGERcommand. The percentage of utilization specified with the
FULLPCT parameter is used to automatically expand the data base.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR2275I Data Base Space trigger defined, but is disabled.
Explanation: Adata base space trigger has been defined, but because the space
expansion percentage is currently set to 0, the space trigger is disabled.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: To activate the space trigger, use the UPDATESPACETRIGGER
command to set the space expansion percentage to a value greater than 0.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages