ANR8246W (Windows NT)
IPX/SPX driver unable to initialize due to error in LISTENing on the specified
Port, reason code reasoncode.
Explanation: While attempting to listen for session requests from clients using
IPX/SPX, IPX/SPX returns an error.The reason code is the return code from the
IPX/SPX listen API.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but the server cannot accept additional
sessions from clients using the IPX/SPX protocol.
User Response: Ensurethat IPX/SPX is running properly. This may be done using
the network control panel applet.
ANR8247W (AIX)Error listening for session fromAPPC partner, return code from
SET_PARTNER_LU_NAMEis return code.
Explanation: The server experiences an error return code fromAPPC while
attempting to set up to listen for client sessions. The return code is from theAPPC
set partner LU name call for appc listen.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.APPC communications is disabled.
User Response: Ensurethat APPC is properly configured and activated. Ensure
thatAPPC can communicate with other nodes through utility programs.
ANR8247E (AS/400)
Device class device class not defined in device configuration information file.
Explanation: The command that has been issued requires that the specified device
class be defined in the device configuration information file. This definition was not
found or the statements in the file are in the wrong order.
SystemAction: The command is not processed.
User Response: You can either reissue the command and specify a valid device
class or refresh your device configuration information file by issuing the BACKUP
DEVCONFIG command.
ANR8247W (Windows NT)
IPX/SPX driver is terminating due to error in accepting a new session, reason
code reason code.
Explanation: While attempting to accept a session request from a client using
IPX/SPX, IPX/SPX returns an error.The reason code is the return code from the
IPX/SPX accept API.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages