ANR2460E Command: Server could not write sequential volume history information to File
Explanation: The BACKUPVOLHISTORY command does not complete
successfully because the server cannot write to the file name specified.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Makesure that the server has proper authority to write to the file
indicated and that sufficient space is available in the file system for the file. On
MVS, make sure that the data set has been allocated and that the server has
authority to write to the data set.
ANR2461E Command:An internal error was encountered in writing sequential volume
history information to file name.
Explanation: The BACKUPVOLHISTORY command does not complete
successfully because the server cannot write to the file name specified.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Examineerror messages on the server console that may have been
displayed prior to this message and correct any problems, if possible. Make sure
that the server has proper authority to write to the file indicated and that sufficient
space is available in the file system for the file. On MVS, make sure that the data
set has been allocated and that the server has authority to write to the data set.
ANR2462I Command: Server sequential volume history information was written to file
Explanation: This message is displayed in response to the BACKUP
VOLHISTORYcommand and indicates that sequential volume history information
was successfully written to the file name indicated.
SystemAction: The server records sequential volume history information to the
file name specified.
User Response: None.
ANR2463I Command: Server sequential volume history information was written to all
configured history files.
Explanation: This message is displayed in response to the BACKUP
VOLHISTORYcommand and indicates that sequential volume history information
was successfully written to all files that were specified in the server options file.
SystemAction: The server records sequential volume history information to the
configured files.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages