ANR9629E (Windows NT)
Could not open file file name.
Explanation: The server could not open the license certificate file specified.
SystemAction: The license registration command fails.
User Response: Examinethe file specification entered, including wildcard
characters, to determine if it names the license certificate file(s) you intended to use.
If an error is found, re-try the command with the corrected specification. If an error
cannot be found, contact your service representative.
ANR9630E (Windows NT)
Invalid license certificate file: file name.
Explanation: The specified file does not contain valid license certificate
SystemAction: The license registration command ignores the contents of the file.
User Response: Examinethe file specification entered, including wildcard
characters, to determine if it names the license certificate file(s) you intended to use.
If an error is found, re-try the command with the corrected specification. If an error
cannot be found, contact your service representative.
ANR9631E (Windows NT)
Cannot access node license lock file: file name.
Explanation: The server was not able to access the specified file. The node lock
file contains licensing information for the server.
SystemAction: The license function fails.
User Response: Examinethe file specification displayed and ensure that the file
attributes will allow the server to access the file. The location of the file is either in
the directory from which the server is started, or in the directory specified by the
DSMSERV_DIRenvironment variable. Re-specify the DSMSER-DIR environment
variable if this specification is in error.Also ensure that there is sufficient space on
the drive specified for the file. If the problem persists after these corrections have
been made, contact your service representative.
ANR9632I (Windows NT)
Cannot load licensing DLLlibrary: DLL file name : the server will assume
evaluation licensing mode.
Explanation: The server was not able to load the specified dynamic link library.
SystemAction: Server licensing asumes Try and Buy mode with licenses for 180
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages