daemon process
In theAIX operating system, a process begun by the root user or by the root shell
that can be stopped only by the root user.Daemon processes generally provide
services that must be available at all times, such as sending data to a printer.
damaged file
Aphysical file for which TSM has detected read errors.
DASD Direct access storage device.
databaseA collection of information about all objects managed by the server, including
policy management objects, users and administrators, and client nodes.
database audit
Autility that checks for and optionally corrects inconsistent database references.
database backup series
One full backup of the database, plus up to 32 incremental backups made since that
full backup. Each full backup that is run starts a new database backup series.A
backup series is identified with a number.
database backup trigger
Aset of criteria that defines when and how database backups are run automatically.
The criteria determine how often the backup is run, whether the backup is a full or
incremental backup, and where the backup is stored.
database buffer pool
Storage that is used as a cache to allow database pages to remain in memory for
long periods of time, so that the server can make continuous updates to pages
without requiring input or output (I/O) operations from external storage.
database dump
The action performed by the DSMSERVDUMPDB utility (DMPADSM command
onAS/400), which copies TSM database entries to media for later reload in case a
catastrophic error occurs.
database load
The action performed by the DSMSERVLOADDB utility (LODADSM command
onAS/400), which copies TSM database entries from media to a newly installed
database snapshot
Afunction of TSM that backs up the entire TSM database to media that can be
taken off-site. The database snapshot does not interrupt any database backup series
and cannot have incremental database backups associated with it. Contrast with full
Version 3 Release 7