User Response: Specify another file or set the overwrite option to YES in the
server options file.
ANR8675E (Windows NT)
File name with path within registry.:File already exists for File or FileText Exit.
Explanation: The specified file already exists and the File/FileTextexit option was
set to PRESERVE.
SystemAction: Server continues running.
User Response: Specify a non-existent file.
ANR8676E (S/390)Userspecified module: Cannot load into server, system errno = Error number
generated by MVS.
Explanation: The server was unable to load the module specified. The module is
not a properly C-compiled/linked dynamic module or anASSEMBLER/PLI
compiled module.
SystemAction: Server continues running.
User Response: Use the server supplied sample user-exit files as a starting point.
ANR8677E (AIX) User specified module, with environment variable DSMSERV_DIR: Cannot load
into server,system errno = Error number generated by AIX.
Explanation: The server was unable to load the module specified. The module is
not a properly C-compiled and linked dynamic module.
SystemAction: Server initialization stops or server continues running if already
User Response: Use the server supplied sample makefile and export files to
compile-link the user-exit module. Make sure the export.ref file contains the
server-defined function name, and the module actually contains the server-defined
function name, with one void parameter declared.
ANR8677E (HP-UX)
User specified module, with environment variable DSMSERV_DIR:Cannot load
into server,system errno = Error number generated by HP-UX.
Explanation: The server was unable to load the module specified. The module is
not a properly C-compiled and linked dynamic module.
SystemAction: Server initialization stops or server continues running if already
Version 3 Release 7