ANR0427W Session session number for node node name (client platform) refused - server
version is down-level with this client.
Explanation: The server refuses a client session because the client program
version level is newer than that supported by the server program.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Applyservice to the server program to make it compatible with
the newer client program, or use an older client program to contact the server.
ANR0428W Session session number for node node name (client platform) refused - client is
down-level with this server version.
Explanation: The server refuses a client session because the client program
version level is older than that supported by the server program. For certain
problems (such as the compression fix), once a node connects to the server using
the newer client, the server records this fact and will not let this node back off this
client version to a version that does not include the fix.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Applyservice to the client program to make it compatible with
the newer server program.
ANR0429W Session session number for node node name (client platform) refused - maximum
server sessions (max sessions allowed) exceeded.
Explanation: The server refuses the specified client or administrative session
because the maximum number of concurrent client sessions has been exceeded.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Ifnecessary, increase the maximum number of permitted sessions.
Todo this, update the value for the MAXSESSIONS parameter in the server options
file and restart the server with the updated options file. Note that increasing the
MAXSESSIONS value requires additional memory resource by the server.You may
want to retry the connection at a later time.
ANR0430W Session session number for node node name (client platform) refused - node name
is locked.
Explanation: The server refuses the specified client session because the node is
locked from server access (with the LOCK NODE command).
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Beforethe client node is permitted to access the server, a properly
authorized administrator must unlock the node with the UNLOCK NODE command.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages