ANR8275W (AIX)IPX/SPX driver unable to initialize due to error in LISTENing on the master
socket, return code returncode reason code reason code.
Explanation: While the server attempts to listen for session requests from clients
using IPX/SPX, the transport layer interface (TLI) returns an error.The return code
is the return code from the TLI listenAPI. The reason code is the system error
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but the server cannot accept additional
sessions from clients using the IPX/SPX protocol.
User Response: Ensurethat IPX/SPX is still running properly and that it has not
been intentionally or unintentionally brought down. Do this by issuing the NetWare
forAIX transport utilities. Ensure that the Netware Protocol Stack daemon is
ANR8275E (AS/400)
Command:exit type EXIT is not defined.
Explanation: The designated exit has not been defined to the server.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Reissuethe command and specify a different exit type, or define
the exit before reissuing the command.
ANR8275W (Windows NT)
Shared memory connection terminated - insufficient memory.
Explanation: The server cannot accept a client session due to a memory allocation
request failure.
SystemAction: Server operation continues. Shared memory communications is
User Response: Themost likely cause is a lack of memory. Ensure that there is
sufficient space for the WindowsNT paging file. Click on the system icon in the
Windows NTcontrol panel and then click on the virtual memory button. Refer to
the on-line help for instructions on how to increase the amount of virtual memory.
Youmay also wish to cut down on the maximum number of sessions that the server
can accept with the MAXSESSIONS option in the server options file.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages