User Response: Reissue the command and specify additional volume names on the
command, or specify SCRATCH=YES.
ANR4584E Database restore terminated - incomplete input volume list.
Explanation: The list of volumes needed for the restore operation was incomplete.
At least one volume needed for the restore operation is missing from the end of the
SystemAction: The database restore is terminated.
User Response: If you are using a DSMSERVRESTORE DB command with the
VOLUMENAMES parameter specified, verify that all the volumes within a
database backup operation are included in the list. Ensure that all the volume names
are specified in the correct sequential order.For a restore with COMMIT=NO,
reissue the last restore command. For a restore with COMMIT=YES, restart the
restore from the beginning of the full backup. If you are using a DSMSERV
RESTORE DB command with the TODATEparameter specified, the server created
a list of volumes needed for the restore operation. Examine the volume history files
to try to determine the error or use a different volume history file if available.You
can also restore the database by specifying the volume names for each restore
operation up to the desired point in time.
ANR4590I Backup type backup series backup series number operation backup operation in
series stream backup streamwithin operation (always 1) sequence backup volume
sequence number in operation taken on date at time.
Explanation: During a DSMSERVDISPLAY DBBACKUPVOL command, the
server displays the necessary information about a backup volume.
SystemAction: Processing continues for all volumes in the given volume list.
User Response: Youcan use this information to create a list of volumes for a
database restore when a volume history backup file is not available.
ANR4600I Processing volume history file file name.
Explanation: During a DSMSERVRESTORE DB command with the TODATE
parameter specified, the server is processing the listed file in order to build a list of
volumes needed for the restore operation.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7