ANR0688E Export/import command: Transactionfailure - commit called when no
transaction started.
Explanation: During processing of command export/import command, a database
transaction cannot be started in the server database.
SystemAction: Processing of the command ends.
User Response: Examinethe server messages issued prior to this message to
determine the source of the error.Use the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the
activity log and search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated and resolved,
contact your service representative.
ANR0689W Import command: Client platform type (platform type) for imported node node
name conflicts with an existing node with the same name - the node will not be
Explanation: During import processing, the server encounters an imported node
definition that has the same name as an existing node, but has a different client
platform type (for example, OS/2 orAIX). Because file data may not be compatible
across different client platforms, the node is not imported.
SystemAction: Import processing continues, and the named node is skipped by
import processing.
User Response: Ifyou want to import the named node, cancel the import process,
rename the existing node to a new name by using the RENAME NODE command,
and run the import again.After you have imported the node, use the RENAME
NODE command to set the node names as you desire.
ANR0690E Export/import command: Transactionfailure - server aborted the transaction
(abort code).
Explanation: During processing of command export/import command, a database
transaction cannot be committed in the server database. The reason code abort code
is returned.
SystemAction: Processing of the command ends.
User Response: Examinethe server messages issued prior to this message to
determine the source of the error.Use the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the
activity log and search for messages. If the error cannot be isolated and resolved,
contact your service representative.
ANR0691E Export command: Error abort code writing export data.
Explanation: During processing of command export command, an input/output
error occurs when writing the exported information to the export media.
Version 3 Release 7