ANR2550W command name:Administrative schedule schedule name does not have valid
activation information.
Explanation: This message is displayed during a database audit and indicates that
the ’ACTIVE=YES or NO’ information is not recorded correctly for an
administrative schedule in the server database.
SystemAction: Server database audit operation continues.
User Response: Execute the AUDITDB operation specifying FIX=YES so that the
activation information can be corrected.
ANR2551I command name:Administrative schedule schedule name does not have valid
activation information - activation information will be deleted.
Explanation: This message is displayed during a database audit and indicates that
the ’ACTIVE=YES or NO’ information is not recorded correctly for an
administrative schedule in the server database. The audit operation corrects this
discrepancy by removing the invalid activation information.
SystemAction: Server database audit operation continues.
User Response: The named administrative schedule will now appear to be inactive
in the server database (as ifACTIVE=NO was specified). If you want this schedule
to be active, execute the UPDATESCHEDULE command with the ACTIVE=YES
parameter to activate the schedule when the server is restarted.
ANR2560I Schedule manager started.
Explanation: The schedule manager is started when the server is initialized. The
schedule manager maintains entries of scheduled operations.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR2561I Schedule prompter contacting node name (session session number) to start a
scheduled operation.
Explanation: The schedule prompter contacts the client scheduler for node node
name because a scheduled operation should be started for that node.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7