ANR9641W (HP-UX)
One or more EVALUATIONLICENSES will expire on expiration date.
Explanation: Although you are running with a purchased version of the server,
there are one or more licenses registered that will expire on the date specified. This
is usually the case when you have been using evaluation licenses prior to purchasing
the product.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Haltthe server and erase the nodelock file in the server startup
directory.After restarting the server, use the REGISTER LICENSE command to
define the licensed features that you have purchased with your server.These licenses
should NOT have an expiration date, so this message should not appear after
re-registering the proper licenses. If this message persists, contact your service
ANR9641W (Solaris)
One or more EVALUATIONLICENSES will expire on expiration date.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Haltthe server and erase the nodelock file in the server startup
directory.After restarting the server, use the REGISTER LICENSE command to
define the licensed features that you have purchased with your server.These licenses
should NOT have an expiration date, so this message should not appear after
re-registering the proper licenses. If this message persists, contact your service
ANR9642E (HP-UX)
The specified license authorization code (license authorization code) is invalid.
Explanation: The license authorization code which you entered using the
REGISTER LICENSE command is invalid.
SystemAction: No additional licenses are registered. Server operation continues.
User Response: Obtaina valid license authorization code and try the command
ANR9678W (Windows NT)
file name used for server executable.A server is currently running as a service.
Explanation: The name of the executable used when the server is running as a
service cannot be used in the plan file.
SystemAction: PREPAREuses file name identified in the message within the plan
file and generation of the plan file continues.
Version 3 Release 7