User Response: If the drive is a floppy drive, place a disk with a volume label in
it and retry the operation. If the disk is a hard drive, ensure the drive has a volume
label, and retry the operation.
ANS1134E Drive drive-name is an invalid drive specification
Explanation: The specified drive-name was found to be invalid; the drive
probably has not been defined.
SystemAction: TSM skips the invalid drive and continues to the next drive.
User Response: Check the invalid drive.
ANS1135E Drive drive-name1 is a virtual drive of drive-name2 Not a valid drive to be
backed up
Explanation: The drive-name1 was found to be a substitute (SUBST) of another
drive-name2. It is not available for backup/archive.
SystemAction: TSM skips the SUBST drive and continues to the next drive.
User Response: None.
ANS1147E File is temporarily unavailable.
Explanation: File is temporarily unavailable.
SystemAction: File skipped.
User Response: Check and see if file is locked by other process. If not, retry the
ANS1190E Symbolic link ’linkname’to’target’ was successfully deleted.
Explanation: Log ’linkname’ cannot be a symbolic link.
SystemAction: The symbolic link ’linkname’ is deleted, the log is recreated, and
processing stops.
User Response: Check the location of the new file. Tospecify the location of log
files, refer to the user’s manual for the ’errorlogname’ option, the ’schedlogname’
option, and the ’DSM_LOG’ environmental variable.
ANS1191E Unable to delete symbolic link ’link’.
Explanation: Log ’linkname’ cannot be a symbolic link.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Delete the symbolic link ’linkname’.
ANS1192E Specifying the error log ’link’ as a symbolic link is not allowed.
Explanation: Error log ’linkname’ cannot be a symbolic link.
SystemAction: The symbolic link ’linkname’ is deleted, the error log is recreated,
and processing stops.
User Response: Check the location of the new error log. Tospecify the location of
the error logs, refer to the user’s manual for the ’errorlogname’ option and
’DSM_LOG’ environmental variable.
Version 3 Release 7