space manager client
Synonym for hierarchical storage management (HSM) client.
stale copy status
Specifies that a volume copy is not available to the database or recovery log.
stanza Agroup of lines in a file that together have a common function or define a part of
the system. Stanzas are usually separated by blank lines or colons, and each stanza
has a name.
startup window
Atime period during which a schedule must be initiated.
static Acopy group serialization value that specifies that the file must not be modified
during backup or archive. If the file is modified during the attempt, TSM will not
back up or archive the file. See also serialization. Contrast with dynamic,shared
dynamic, and shared static.
storage hierarchy
Alogical ordering of primary storage pools, as defined by an administrator with
system privilege. Generally,the ordering is based on the speed and capacity of the
devices that the storage pools use. In TSM, the storage hierarchy is defined by
identifying the next storage pool in a storage pool definition. See storage pool.
storage management services
Acomponent that allows a central system to act as a file backup, archive, and space
management server for local area network file servers and workstations.
storage pool
Anamed set of storage volumes that TSM uses to store client data. A storage pool
is either a primary storage pool or a copy storage pool. See primary storage pool
and copy storage pool.
storage pool volume
Avolume that has been assigned to a TSM storage pool. See volume,copy storage
pool, and primary storage pool.
storage privilege class
An administrative privilege class that allows an administrator to control the
allocation and use of storage resources for the server, such as monitoring the
database, recovery log, and server storage.Administrators can be authorized with
unrestricted or restricted storage privilege.
stub file A file that replaces the original file on a client node when the file is migrated from
the client node to TSM storage.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages