ANR9801I (Windows NT)
ANR9801: Ready for operations.
Explanation: The device driver has successfully initialized and is ready to accept
requests from the server.
SystemAction: Processing continues.
User Response: None.
ANR9803W (Windows NT)
ANR9803: ERROR! Insufficient free memory to initialize driver.
Explanation: The server device driver is unable to initialize due to an inability to
acquire dynamic storage.
SystemAction: Processing continues. The device driver is not available to process
requests from the server.
User Response: Forminimum storage requirements, refer to Licensed Program
Specifications/2. Youmust have sufficient memory in your system to initialize
Windows NTand the device drivers you want to use.
ANR9810I (Windows NT)
ANR9810: SCSI TapeDevice Driver Initializing...
Explanation: The server SCSI tape device driver has been invoked by the system
and is initializing.
SystemAction: Processing continues.
User Response: None.
ANR9820I (Windows NT)
ANR9820: SCSI Autochanger Device Driver Initializing...
Explanation: The server SCSI automatic changer device driver has been invoked
by the system and is initializing.
SystemAction: Processing continues.
User Response: None.
ANR9900W (AIX)Attention -- Accounting records could not be written to the file: filespec.
Explanation: The server detects an error while trying to open the accounting file.
SystemAction: Server processing continues.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages