ANR8208W (AS/400)
TCP/IPdriver unable to initialize due to error in BINDing to Port port.
Explanation: While initializing TCP/IPcommunications, ADSM has failed to
connect to a master socket on which to listen for clients.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but the server cannot accept sessions
from clients using the TCP/IPcommunication protocol.
User Response: Ensurethat no other application is using the port number
specified in the server options file with the PORToption. This may be done by
issuing the TCP/IPNETSTAT command. If the server is halted and then restarted
immediately,you may be within the TCP/IP one minute timeout period for port
reusage. Halt the server, wait one minute, and then restart the server.
ANR8208E (HP-UX)
Unable to establish TCP/IPsession with IP host address - socket creation failed;
error errorcode.
Explanation: The server is unable to establish a session because of a socket
creation error.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Ensurethat TCP/IP is operational on your system by using the
ping command with your TCP/IPaddress as a target. If TCP/IP is not active on your
system, you must activate it; then halt and restart the server.
ANR8208E (Solaris)
Unable to establish TCP/IPsession with IP host address - socket creation failed;
error errorcode.
Explanation: The server is unable to establish a session because of a socket
creation error.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Ensurethat TCP/IP is operational on your system by using the
ping command with your TCP/IPaddress as a target. If TCP/IP is not active on your
system, you must activate it; then halt and restart the server.
ANR8208W (Windows NT)
TCP/IPdriver unable to initialize due to error in BINDing to Port port, reason
code reason code.
Explanation: While initializing TCP/IPcommunications, the server has failed to
connect to a master socket on which to listen for clients. The reason code is the
return code from the TCP/IPbind API.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages