ANS1460E APPC security not valid.
Explanation: The conversation cannot be allocated because the access security is
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Contactyour support personnel. information table.
ANS1461E APPC sync level not supported.
Explanation: The conversation cannot continue because the synchronization level
of either the local or remote system is not supported.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: TSMdefaults to no synchronization level. Contact your system
ANS1462E APPC TPN not recognized.
Explanation: TSM cannot find the name of the server.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Ensurethat the TPNAME option references the correct server
name and that the server is running.
ANS1463E APPC TP error.
Explanation: The server is not responding to the local program’srequest.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Ensurethat the server is running and retry. Stop and start the local
communications program.
ANS1464E APPC type mismatch.
Explanation: An unexpectedAPPC communication error occurs.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Thisis a program error. Contact your support personnel.
ANS1465E APPC unsuccessful.
Explanation: All the sessions for SNAcommunications have been exhausted.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Stopand start SNA communications and retry the command.
ANS1466E APPC unknown error occurred.
Explanation: An unexpectedAPPC communication error occurs.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Contactyour support personnel.
Version 3 Release 7