inter-usercommunication vehicle (IUCV) facility
On a VM server,a VM communication method used to pass data between virtual
machines and VM components.
IPX/SPXInternetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange. IPX/SPX is Novell
NetWare’scommunication protocol.
IUCV Inter-user communication vehicle.
KB Kilobyte.
kernel The part of an operating system that performs basic functions such as allocating
hardware resources.
kernel extension
Aprogram that modifies parts of the kernel that can be customized to provide
additional services and calls. See kernel.
kilobyte (KB)
1024 bytes.
LAN Local area network.
length Adevice class attribute that specifies the length of cartridge tape by specifying one
of the following media types: CST for standard length tape or ECCST for double
length tape.
library (1)A repository for demountable recorded media, such as magnetic tapes. (2) For
TSM, a collection of one or more drives, and possibly robotic devices (depending
on the library type), which can be used to access storage volumes. (3) In theAS/400
system, a system object that serves as a directory to other objects.A library groups
related objects, and allows the user to find objects by name.
Version 3 Release 7