SystemAction: TSM waits for your response before proceeding with the remove
User Response: SelectYesto remove space management from the selected file
system, or select Cancel to skip the remove.
ANS9997W The selective migration, selective recall, or policy information window is
displayed. Stop any operations, close the window,and then retry the operation.
Explanation: When a node is contacting more than one server for space
management services, the selective migration, selective recall, and policy
information windows may not be displayed at the same time.
SystemAction: TSM ignores the request.
User Response: Closethe selective migration, selective recall, or policy
information window,and then retry the operation.
ANS9998E The migration server changed after the selective migration or selective recall
window was displayed. Close the window,and then retry the operation.
Explanation: Amigrate or recall operation will not be allowed to proceed if the
user changed the migration server after the selective migration or selective recall
window was displayed.
SystemAction: No files will be migrated or recalled.
User Response: Closethe selective migration or selective recall window, and then
retry the operation.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
15. Tivoli Space Manager