SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: SelectOK to return. Select 'Reactivate' to reactivate space
management for the file system.
ANS9938I Space management has not been added to file-system file system. Youdo not
need to deactivate space management.
Explanation: Youtried to deactivate space management on a file system to which
space management has not been added.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: SelectOK to return.
ANS9939I file-system file system has already been deactivated.
Explanation: Youtried to deactivate space management for a file system that is
already deactivated.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: SelectOK to return.
ANS9940I file-system file system has already been activated.
Explanation: Youtried to activate space management for a file system that is
already activated.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: SelectOK to return.
ANS9941I Space management has not been added to file-system. If you want to add space
management, select ’Add space management’ option. The file system will
automatically be activated when you add space management.
Explanation: Youtried to activate space management on a file system to which
space management has not been added. Youmust first add space management. The
file system will automatically be activated when the add process is complete.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: SelectOK to return. Select “Add” if you want to add space
management to the file system.
Version 3 Release 7