ANR3160E Unable to receive confirmation of refresh frommanaged server server name.
Explanation: While sending configuration information to the specified managed
server, a communication error occurred when trying to receive confirmation from
the managed server that information was processed successfully.
SystemAction: Server operation continues. Configuration refresh processing
User Response: Determineif communication can be established with the managed
server by using the server PING command. Use the NOTIFY SUBSCRIBERS
command to force the configuration refresh to retry.
ANR3161E Premature end of configuration refreshfor managed server server server name.
Explanation: While sending configuration information to the specified managed
server, processing ended prematurely because of on error.
SystemAction: Server operation continues. Configuration refresh processing
User Response: Examinethe activity log on the managed server for any error
messages that might explain why the refresh failed. Use the NOTIFY
SUBSCRIBERS command on the configuration manager to force the configuration
refresh to retry.
ANR3162E Managed server server name aborted configuration refresh processing due to a
low memory condition.
Explanation: While sending configuration information to the specified managed
server, processing ended prematurely because of a low memory condition on the
managed server.
SystemAction: Server operation continues. Configuration refresh processing
User Response: Makemore memory available to the managed server.
ANR3163E Managed server server name aborted configuration refresh processing due to an
internal error.
Explanation: While sending configuration information to the specified managed
server, processing ended prematurely because of an internal error on the managed
SystemAction: Server operation continues. Configuration refresh processing
Version 3 Release 7