User Response: For a description of the IUCVACCEPT error code, refer to the
IUCV documentation in the CP ProgrammingServices publicationfor your specific
operating system.
ANR5126W (S/390)
APPC connection terminated - server HALTin progress.
Explanation: The server’sAPPC communications driver refuses a request for a
client connection because the HALTcommand has been entered.
SystemAction: The server rejects the session and proceeds with HALT command
User Response: None.
ANR5127W (S/390)
APPC connection terminated - insufficient memory.
Explanation: An IUCV connection request is refused by the server’sAPPC
communications driver because sufficient memory is not available to construct a
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Allocate additional storage to the server virtual machine. There
are three ways to do this:
1. OnVM, increase the size of the server’s virtual machine. This requires that the
default storage size be updated in the server’s CPdirectory entry.
2. OnMVS, increase the size of the REGION parameter on the EXEC or JOB
statement of the JCL used to start the server.
3. Reducethe maximum number of client sessions permitted. To do this, edit the
server options file and reduce the value specified for the MAXSESSIONS
statement. Note that each client session causes an additional 64KB of memory to
be allocated.
4. Decreasethe amount of space allocated to the server ’sdatabase buffer pool. To
do this, edit the server options file and reduce the value specified for the
BUFPOOLSIZE statement. Note that each buffer pool page causes an additional
4 KB of memory to be allocated.
Note that the server must be shut down (with the HALTcommand) before changes
can be made to the server options file.
Version 3 Release 7