ANR9760I Waitand monitor the ACSSA console message to remove volume volume id
from CAP.
Explanation: The specified volume is about to put into CAP for removal. Monitor
theACSSA console and removed the volume after it has been placed into the CAP
as indicated in theACSSA message.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: Monitorthe ACSSAconsole and wait.
ANR9773E Hardware configuration error in library library name:number of drives drives,
number of storage slots storage slots.
Explanation: The library device retuned a count of zero for either the drives or
the slots. The drives may have not yet been configured to the operating system, or
to the library.The library must have at least one drive and multiple slots when
properly configured in order to be defined to the server.
SystemAction: The operation fails.
User Response: Configurethe drives to the operating system, and reinitialize the
ANR9774W Volumevolume name should be freed of data as soon as possible.
Explanation: The server has received an indication from the 3995 that the
indicated volume is out of spare sectors for re-allocation. Spare sectors are reserved
to take the place of sectors that experience I/O problems. The re-allocation can take
place on either a read or write.
SystemAction: The indicated volume is marked read-only by the server.
User Response: AMOVE DATAcommand should be used as soon as possible to
move the data from this cartridge to other cartridges in the library.This cartridge
should NOT be marked read-write again through the UPDATEVOLUME command.
ANR9775E Error while writing on volume volume name (RC=internal code).
Explanation: An I/O error has occurred while writing on the specified volume.
SystemAction: The operation fails.
User Response: Ensurethat the 3995 volume is accessible and that the media is
usable. Diagnostics may have to be run on the 3995 with the specified volume. If
the problem persists, contact your service representative and provide the internal
code values from this message. The internal code is returned to the server from the
OS/2 operating system.
Version 3 Release 7