SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR2531I Scheduling mode set toANY.
Explanation: This message is displayed in response to the SET SCHEDMODES
command. The server now allows clients to run in either the client-polling or the
server-prompted scheduling mode.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR2532I Schedule schedule name updated.
Explanation: This message is displayed in response to the UPDATESCHEDULE
command. The schedule named schedule name has been updated in the server
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR2533I Client action schedule duration set to days days.
Explanation: This message is displayed in response to the Set
CLIENTACTDurationcommand. It indicates the number of days for which
schedules and associations generated by the DEFine CLIENTActionare retained in
the database.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR2534I Client action schedule schedule name was not executed by node name in domain
Explanation: Immediate client action schedule name was not executed by node
node name, which is in domain domain name. The schedule is being deleted.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages