SystemAction: The server dismounts the volume and continues processing with
another volume.
User Response: Adjustthe write protect switch on the volume so that writing is
ANR8464E command: Invalid update request for library library name.
Explanation: An invalid update request has been made for the given library.This
can occur if a new device name is given and the characteristics of the device do not
match the characteristics of the original device.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Ifa different type of library device has been installed, the old
library definition must be deleted with a DELETE LIBRARYcommand, and a new
library must be defined. The UPDATELIBRARY command cannot be used in this
ANR8464E (AS/400)
Invalid update request for library library name.
Explanation: An invalid update request has been made for the given library.This
can occur if a new device name is given and the characteristics of the device do not
match the characteristics of the original device.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Ifa different type of library device has been installed, delete the
old library definition with a DELETE LIBRARYcommand, and define a new
library.The UPDATE LIBRARY command cannot be used in this case.
ANR8465I Library library name updated.
Explanation: An UPDATELIBRARY request has been successfully processed for
the given library.
SystemAction: The server updates its information about the library.
User Response: None.
ANR8465I (AS/400)
Library library name updated.
Explanation: An UPDATELIBRARY request has been successfully processed for
the given library.
SystemAction: The server updates its information about the library.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7