ANR0500W Transactionfailed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - invalid password submitted.
Explanation: The server ends a password update transaction because the user has
not correctly specified the current password.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Updateyour password by correctly specifying the current
password. If the current password has been misplaced, the administrator can
reassign a password for the client by using the UPDATENODE or UPDATE
ADMIN command.
ANR0501W Transactionfailed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - invalid policy binding specified.
Explanation: The server ends a database update transaction for the specified
session because an invalid management class has been specified for a file or
directory object.
SystemAction: The specified session is ended and server operation continues.
User Response: Correctthe programming error in the client program if it has been
written by your installation using WDSF verbs. Otherwise, contact your service
ANR0520W Transactionfailed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - storage pool pool name is not defined.
Explanation: The server rolls back a database update transaction for the specified
session because the destination specified for a management class copy group
specifies the named storage pool, but that storage pool does not exist.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Anadministrator with policy authority over the client policy
domain must correct management class definitions so that copy group destinations
refer to defined storage pools, or the specified storage pool must be created by an
authorized administrator.
ANR0521W Transactionfailed for session session number for node node name (client
platform) - object excluded by size in storage pool pool name and all successor
Explanation: The server ends a database update transaction for the specified
session because the size of a file sent from the client node is larger than that
Version 3 Release 7