ANR7804I (AIX) An server is already running from this directory.
Explanation: The server has attempted to open the adsmserv.lockfile in the
current directory but failed to do so because an existing server already has the file
SystemAction: Server terminates.
User Response: Examine the contents of the adsmserv.lock file. The process ID
for the server that is running is recorded in this file. Twoservers cannot be started
from the same directory.You may remove the adsmserv.lock file and attempt to start
the server ONLYif the recorded process ID is NOT currently running dsmserv. The
'ps -e'AIX command can be used to display processes that are currently running.
ANR7804I (HP-UX)
Aserver is already running from this directory.
Explanation: The server has attempted to open the adsmserv.lockfile in the
current directory but failed to do so because an existing server already has the file
SystemAction: Server terminates.
User Response: Examine the contents of the adsmserv.lock file. The process ID
for the server that is running is recorded in this file. Twoservers cannot be started
from the same directory.You may remove the adsmserv.lock file and attempt to start
the server ONLYif the recorded process ID is NOT currently running dsmserv. The
'ps -e' command can be used to display processes that are currently running.
ANR7805E (AIX) Volumevolume name is in use by another server.
Explanation: The server has attempted to open a disk volume but has discovered
that the volume is in use by another server.
SystemAction: The open operation fails for the volume.
User Response: To prevent concurrent RAW volume access by more than one
server, files are created in the /tmp directory to 'lock' these volumes.The names of
these temporary files are /tmp/<volumename>where <volumename>
is the name of the RAWvolume defined in the /dev directory. Please note that the
name for the logical volume as defined in SMIT is represented in the /dev directory
with a leading 'r' character (for example, a raw volume defined in SMIT as dsmstg1
will be represented in the /dev directory as the file /dev/rdsmstg1).
Youmay use the AIX 'ps -e' command to determine if other dsmserv processes are
running. Youmay remove the temporary lock files and attempt to re-start the server
ONLYif there are no other dsmserv processes running
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages