ANR9742E The element address for drive ’drive name’ is missing orinvalid.
Explanation: The element address value for the specified drive is omitted, or an
illegal value has been provided.
SystemAction: The program is stopped.
User Response: Restartthe program, providing a valid element address.
Appropriate values can be determined with the worksheets in Administrator’s Guide.
ANR9743I Attempting to label volume ’volume name’ using drive ’drive name’...
Explanation: The specified volume is in the process of being labeled in the given
SystemAction: Labeling activity continues.
User Response: None.
ANR9744E Volume’volume name’ is not present in library ’library name’.
Explanation: The specified volume is not present in the given library,so it cannot
be labeled.
SystemAction: Labeling activity continues for other volumes.
User Response: Insertthe volume into the library, then retry the operation.
ANR9745E Only one trace argument is allowed.
Explanation: More than one trace argument has been encountered, but only one is
SystemAction: The program is halted.
User Response: Retrythe program, specifying at most one trace argument.
ANR9746E Unable to open trace file ’file name’.
Explanation: An error occurs while opening the specified file for writing trace
SystemAction: The program is halted.
User Response: Retrythe program, specifying a valid file name for the trace file.
Version 3 Release 7