ANR1041I Space reclamation ended for volume volume name.
Explanation: Space reclamation for the volume named is complete.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR1042I Space reclamation for storage pool storage pool name will be retriedin number
of seconds seconds.
Explanation: Because of a problem encountered attempting space reclamation for
the named storage pool, reclamation stops but will be retried after the time period
shown.After a number of unsuccessful retries, the process will be automatically
SystemAction: The system waits for the specified period and then retries space
reclamation for the storage pool.
User Response: Ifpossible, correct the condition that has stopped reclamation.
ANR1043I Space reclamation retry delay ended; checking volume reclamation status for
storage pool storage pool name.
Explanation: Because space reclamation for the indicated storage pool had been
stopped due to a problem, the system waited before retrying. The retry wait period
has ended, and the system can now retry space reclamation.
SystemAction: Reclamation for the pool begins.
User Response: None.
ANR1044I Removable volume volume name is required for space reclamation.
Explanation: During space reclamation processing, the server determines that a
removable volume is required in order to complete processing.
SystemAction: The server attempts to mount the removable volume.
User Response: Respondto any mount request for the indicated volume.
ANR1060W Error initiating space reclamation forstorage pool storage pool name - lock
Explanation: While attempting to initiate space reclamation for the indicated
storage pool, the server needs to obtain a lock that is not available.
SystemAction: Space reclamation stops. The server waits for the retry period to
expire and then tries the reclamation again.
Version 3 Release 7