ANR5048E (S/390)Tapedataset allocation of block size changed from server value to current value.
Explanation: The server allocated the block size of its tape data set as server
value, but it has been changed to current value.
SystemAction: Current tape operation fails.
User Response: Checkfor MVS or system application messages preceding this
message that indicate what caused the change to the block size. Check for any
system exits that may change the block size (for example, IEFDB401). Ensure that
the server can use its original value for the block size.
ANR5049E (S/390)Tapedata set allocation of data set organization changed from hex server value
to hex current value.
Explanation: The server allocated the data set organization of its tape data set as
server value, but it has been changed to current value in the data control block
SystemAction: Current tape operation fails.
User Response: Checkfor MVS or system application messages preceding this
message that indicate what caused the change to the data set organization. Check for
any system exits that may change the data set organization (for example,
IEFDB401). Ensure that the server can use its original value for the data set
organization. See MVS/DFP V3R3 MacroInstructions for Data Sets for valid values.
ANR5050E (S/390)Tapedata set allocation of record format changed from hex server value to hex
current value.
Explanation: The server allocated the record format of its tape data set as server
value, but it has been changed to current value in the data control block (DCB).
SystemAction: Current tape operation fails.
User Response: Checkfor MVS or system application messages preceding this
message that indicate what caused the change to the record format. Check for any
system exits that may change the record format (for example, IEFDB401). Ensure
that the server can use its original value for the record format. See MVS/DFP V3R3
Macro Instructions for Data Sets for valid values.
Version 3 Release 7