ANR5412I (S/390)FILE volume volume name MAXCAPACITY larger than allowed maximum.
Overriding maximum capacity to FILE maximum capacityMB.
Explanation: The maximum capacity specified for the listed volume is larger than
the maximum allowed for the FILE device class.
SystemAction: The volume capacity is set to the maximum allowed for the FILE
device class.
User Response: Updatethe device class of the volume MAXCAPACITYvalue to
less than or equal the maximum allowed for the FILE device class.
ANR5413E (S/390)Dynamicallocation of FILE volume volume on unit=unit volser=volser returned
rc=rc, info code=info code, error code=error code.
Explanation: The dynamic allocation of FILE volume volume on unit unit and
volume serial volser fails. The server uses the unit and volser device class
parameters when allocating new FILE volumes, and always catalogs the actual MVS
data sets. If these parameters are not defined, DynamicAllocation uses system
defaults to select a device on which to create the MVS sequential data set.
For previously allocated FILE volumes, the server allows DynamicAllocation to
locate the actual MVS data set using catalog services.
The return code rc, information code info code and error code error code are in
decimal and can be found in the DynamicAllocation section of MVS/ESA
Programming:Authorized Assembler Services Guide.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: For new FILE volumes, verify that all device class parameters are
defined correctly and are compatible, and that space is available on the target
ANR5414E (S/390)Errorerror code returned while opening FILE volume volume
Explanation: The BSAM OPEN fails. Error code error code is returned. Check
for accompanying MVS error messages.
Error codes greater than eight are MVSABEND codes, documented in MVS/ESA
System Codes, GC28-1486.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: For previously allocated FILE volumes, verify that the MVS data
set used for the FILE volume exists on the physical device designated by the
catalog. Check the accompanying MVS system messages.
Version 3 Release 7